The brand new Toasterball is available!

Hey guys! Alex & Simon here, the makers of Toasterball!

Our little prototype has gone a long way in the last, we are now on Steam with a brand new version in early access! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿž

This new version can be played with 2 to 4 players, with revised graphics, new gameplay variants (including exploding ball, portals, infinite toasts, and more), more fine-tuned physics, and 15 toasters to choose from!

We will gradually update this version with more variants and minigames, but feel free to try it now, it's already full of new stuff to discover, and more than complete enough for good old couch gaming session with friends! 


We chose to stay on Steam for now, and focus on a Windows version, because it's easier to maintain on our side, and quicker to update on yours, but don't worry, we'll  be back on once we feel it's complete. But please, don't wait until then to support us!

We really hope you enjoy this version,

Thanks for following us โ™ฅ

Alex & Simon,
the Couch Game Crafters

Get Toasterball (Prototype)

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